If your child cannot cooperate with the dentist to complete their dental treatment, then dental sedation is an option.
The reason for sedation is to make sure the dentist can provide dental treatment without interruptions and unnecessary movement.
Many procedures require the child to be very still and cooperative. Dental work must be performed in the safest way possible, requiring some form of sedation.
Sedation and Anesthesia are very safe for children as long as preparations are met. On the morning of the appointment day, the child should not be given food. However, your child should still be hydrated.
For intravenous sedation methods, it's essential to remain hydrated so finding a vein comes easier. Only clear liquids should be given, such as water or juice.
Your dentist will provide you with detailed instructions to follow before your kid’s dental appointment.
Also known as "laughing gas,” this is the mildest sedatives used on children.
While under laughing gas, the child remains awake but calm.
This calm state allows the dentist or surgeon to get the procedure done safely.
Used more often on older children; mild sedation requires medication.
The effects may be a bit similar to that of nitrous oxide.
The child remains calm but conscious enough to listen to the dentist.
If the child is old enough, they might wish to choose between laughing gas or medication.
Medication is also used for moderate sedation.
Like mild sedation, the child is awake for the duration of the procedure; however, they are even less likely to remember it.
They are usually still able to follow commands. Medicated sedation is recommended for older children (and adults) rather than younger ones.
This level of sedation requires intravenous (IV) medication. Soon after entering the bloodstream, the patient will fall asleep.
Unlike general anesthesia, which results in a deep sleep, the child may still react to their surroundings.
This might be a better option for small children so that the procedure is painless without the need for unconsciousness.
An anesthesiologist will be monitoring the child's breathing and heart rate at all times.
General anesthesia can be administered intravenously or inhaled under a mask.
An anesthesiologist must entirely oversee it while the dentist is performing the treatment.
This method is standard and completely safe.
The child will be unresponsive in this state but will wake up naturally.
Once administered, the patient will start to "go under.”
They will become less and less responsive until they finally fall asleep.
Waking up can be the tricky part; your child might feel confused or dizzy for a while.
However, the effects typically wear off in an hour.