There are always concerns regarding the topic of pregnancy and dentistry. Faced with the question, The answer to this question is a resounding Yes. However, a pregnant woman who goes to the dentist, always doubts and concerns about whether dental treatment will affect the baby.
Not only is it not contraindicated to go to the dentist while pregnant, but it is recommended that you do so, especially if she has a dental problem, to prevent it from getting worse.
Maintaining good oral health before and during gestation is essential. During this phase, you can do preventive dental treatments such as cleaning your mouth and treating cavities. Non-urgent treatments can be delayed after delivery.
Good oral health is essential for the proper development of the baby during the pregnancy and lactation process.
Most dental X-rays are safe during pregnancy, taking extreme caution to protect mother and baby by covering both the abdomen and thyroid with leaded aprons and collars, thus minimizing radiation exposure.
Drugs must be administered with caution and in moderate doses, meeting the condition that the molecular weight of their active ingredient or drug is less than or does not exceed 600 since this premise prevents the drug or active ingredient from passing through the placental barrier. Local anesthetics are always below this figure.
As a prevention, you should consider some basic recommendations, especially when there is a previous history of periodontal disease, as this increases the risk of developing more gum problems during pregnancy.
Finally, if you plan your pregnancy, it is recommended that you start with a proper dental cleaning before conceiving; thus, you will already be prepared to avoid all these diseases in your teeth.
If you are already pregnant, we advise you to go to your trusted dentist. This will allow you to solve all your doubts and keep rigorous control of your oral health.